Development Process

Project Development at Kreative Webs PVT LTD

Functional Requirement Specification

In the first phase, we gather the client’s exact requirements buy going deeper and go to the bottom most of each system specifications. In this phase, the project is completely recognized and SRS and functional documents are delivered with accurate details on how will we provide the required solutions to our clients.

Prototype Design & Wireframe

It is our usual project implementation procedure to start with development of wireframes for user interfaces of the system, then we consequently create image designs of the pages and create a prototype design for all of them.

The designs will be organized to deliver a novel look to the system instantaneously following the defined standards. In correspondence we take client’s consent on these.

Database & Application Architecture Design

Project management staff will take up the critical task of database &application architecture design in this phase. We craft a database design that satisfies all business &logical needs of the project.We also prepare Class illustrations to cover a smooth path for programming and upcoming phases of project implementation.


In the development phase project coding is done with firm rules to match criteria set in earlier phases. The project manager keeps an eye on the entire process through his daily, weekly and monthly meetings to ensure that all project goals are touched and the development is in good to make the face of the project.

Quality Assurance & Testing

During development phase, our developers’team themselves test each fragment of the application distinctly and ensure that each exclusive path of the project performs precisely to the documented specifications and contains clearly well-defined inputs and projected results. After developing and completing coding phase,
QA team performs system testing to estimate the system’s amenability with its defined requirements.

Deployment of project to Live Server

After consent and approval from the project manager and making sure that the system on the Sample server filling client requirements, we will upload the system to the server.

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